Monday, July 17, 2017

Blog stage 2

On July 12 the Washington Post published an article about the net neutrality day of action. Net neutrality is the idea that the internet is open and equal to all users, meaning that ISPs or internet service providers such as Comcast can not discriminate between websites being visited and must load all sites at the same speed. This issue was first looked at in 2015, where the FCC declared that net neutrality was to be followed however, right now the FCC is trying to repeal their previous declaration. By repealing net neutrality ISPs would be able to throttle websites that refuse to pay them a premium, which while earning them more profits is universally bad for all consumers. The net neutrality day of action is a way to inform the users of the internet about the consequences of this. This article really highlights the importance of net neutrality and also helps spread awareness along with the other initiatives.

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Blog Stage 6

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